Welcome to the new Ohio Peers website.

In Ohio, the definition of recovery is the personal process of change in which Ohio residents strive to improve their health and wellness, resiliency, and reach their full potential through self-directed actions.
Peer Recovery Supporters Portal
Welcome to the Ohio Peer Recovery Supporters Portal. Below you’ll find information on what is going on in Ohio regarding peer support, becoming a Certified Peer Recovery Supporter, sustaining certifications, resources, and finding Certified Peer Recovery Supporters in your area.
Peer Recovery Support Technical Assistance
Did you know that The P.E.E.R. Center in partnership with OhioMHAS provides technical assistance (TA) to provider agencies that provide or want to implement peer recovery supports and services to their communities? We can even help with identifying your agency’s readiness?
What We Offer?
A zoom presentation for you and your staff that includes questions and answers.
A readiness tool for your agency with recommendations on how to address findings.
Follow up opportunities to support peer sustainability.
Here Is How To Request TA
Send an email to peersupportagencyta@thepeercenter.org
Please note we will only schedule with managers, supervisors, or their designee must be involved in the initial request.
Peer Technical Assistance Centers (PeerTAC's)
Five peer organizations have partnered with OhioPRO and OhioMHAS to create technical assistance call centers for peers. These centers will be staffed by certified peer recovery supporters who will be available to answer any questions regarding the new eLicensing platform. They have received training so that they may provide information and answer any questions related to peer recovery supporter certification or recertification. PeerTAC's are also involved with the workforce development of peers in Ohio and host online 40-hour certification trainings.
If you have any questions regarding eLicensing, certification, or recertification, please contact any of the individuals below.
Wendy Smith at (419)901-6558 or ehubsupport@artisansrecovery.org; Sandusky Artisans
Cindy Heitman at (937)528-6399 or certificationassistancehub@gesmv.org; Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley
Andrea McCrate at (513)579-5416 or andream@recoverycenterhc.org; The Recovery Center of Hamilton County
Ginger Schmalenberg at (740)592-2690 or gatheringplace45701@gmail.com; The Gathering Place
Gary Krathefer at (614)453-4841 or gkrafthefer@thepeercenter.org; The P.E.E.R. Center
Each of the individuals above will be available to respond to questions from Monday through Friday from 10 am – 2pm.
If you have any questions about contacting these individuals/organizations, please contact Michael J. Krause, Executive Director of OhioPRO, at mkrause@ohio-pro.com
Verify Certification
A listing of Certified Peer Recovery Supporters in Ohio.
Ohio Certification Requirements
How to become certified as a Peer Recovery Supporter in Ohio.